Monday, 15 July 2013

Fifty Shades of North Norfolk: Chapter 1

I have been known to comment that the only thing even remotely 'Fifty Shades of Grey' in my life is my 15 year old M&S underwear. You know the sort I mean. The knickers which have been up the hoover a few times and the bras which have been washed to within an inch of their cotton-polyester lives.
I have never read so much as a word of the 'Fifty Shades' series and have no wish to. However, I have seen enough spoofs and heard enough snippets from friends to have a reasonable grasp of the content of the books. So, I thought I'd have a shot at my very own, much tamed down North Norfolk version.

Tina could hardly contain her excitement. Later she was going out on her first date with Dean. They had gone to school together back in the 80s when Dean cut quite a dashing figure at the end-of-term disco in his flecked trousers, slip on shoes and piano keyboard tie. They met again years later at the supermarket in North Walsham where they both worked. Dean was on the hot food counter and Tina worked at the kiosk selling cigarettes and scratch cards.
Dean wasn't like the other men she had known. He had a bit of class about him, like the fact that he bought his track-suits from Roys rather than QD. That's what had first attracted her to him. He was a bit different. One day she had overheard him chatting during a fag break and had been impressed when he said he'd once been to London. Tina had never really been out of Norfolk. She didn't see the point when she had everything she needed on the doorstep. Fields, tractors, farm animals, Christopher's Bakery. She later found out that he'd actually said he'd once been to *'Loddon', but by then it didn't matter. She was already head over heels.
Tina put down her copy of 'Take a Break'. Dean was coming to pick her up in a few minutes. When they'd arranged the date he'd said he wanted to take her up Cromer Pier (or Crooma Pair as it's pronounced round these parts) and she had giggled, thinking that this was a euphemism for something altogether less innocent, but he had remained serious and she realised that what he had meant was that he wanted to take her up Cromer do a spot of crabbing, he said.
She heard the sound of a car pulling up outside and drew back the net curtains to take a look. He was on time; that was a good sign. She slipped the key into the lock and opened the door....

*Loddon is a small town in S. Norfolk

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