Friday, 12 July 2013


My poor old Citroen was making a strange rattling noise on the way back from work today. Now, when it come to cars, I subscribe to the philosophy that if it is rattling then, by definition, it must still be attached in some way to the vehicle and therefore is nothing to worry about. As one of my friends commented "If it's bothering you then just turn the radio up louder". However, on this occasion, having negotiated the country roads around my son's school the rattling became worse and as I parked up on the bank the exhaust fell off.
Those who know me will be aware of a long catalogue of problems with my car and Geof's too. Every time I fill the car up with fuel (or even windscreen washer) I am all too acutely aware that I have probably just doubled its market value. The last time I dropped into my friendly local garage to pay them some money I owed them, the mechanic who always deals with my car saw me coming and went to hide. He soon re-appeared when he realised there was cash involved. On a previous occasion he had asked me "When are you going to scrap this car?" Most reassuring I felt. He also joked that if Geof and I ever get a decent car then they will probably go out of business. Oh, how I laughed.

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