Advertising is everywhere and with the growth of social media it is even more prevalent and targeted than ever before.
It was a few months ago that I realised how much adverts were affecting my young son. He came in as I was fighting to clean the bathroom taps and said "You need some Cillit Bang, Mummy". Later on he asked if I'd been miss-sold PPI. Both seem strange adverts to be putting on children's TV, but what do I know?
Well, one thing I do know is that I, for one, am not fooled by celebrities advertising products. Do they really expect us to believe that the millionairess, Davina McColl spends a Friday night with plastic gloves on, up to her elbows in mess using a DIY hair colouring kit? Hmmm, I think not.
I also know that I am thoroughly fed up with the adverts I get on my face book feed. Three recent ones included 'how to lose baby weight' , 'a dental treatment weekend in Budapest' and 'find singles aged 48-55 in your area'. They clearly have me down as a fat, middle-aged singleton with bad teeth, none of which are accurate.
One recommended site which did make me genuinely angry though, was for the EDL, a bunch of evil, fascist pigs whose ideology goes against all I hold dear. I know I occasionally shop in Waitrose but that was a bridge too far for me.
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