Sunday, 11 August 2013

Five Predictions About Our Holiday

So, today we are off on holiday to Shropshire also calling in on the Land of my Fathers (or in my case mother) at some point. Based on previous experience I should like to make the following predictions. When we get back next weekend I shall let you know how many were correct.

1. Something will go wrong with the car - previous mishaps have included a puncture, car refusing to start and scraping it against a pillar.

2. Geof will be ill.

3. We will have an argument over directions. I drive, Geof navigates and likes what he calls 'short cuts'. I prefer to call it 'getting lost'.

4. At some point Bryn will say 'This is the worst holiday EVER'.

5. I will get through a lot of wine.

There will be very little internet access most of the time we are away so this may be it for a week or so. In the meantime do keep looking over my old posts. I am sure the holiday will provide me with plenty of new material for my return!

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